be a lemming.
follow the fox.

04 March 2010

+ depression prevails.

Look, I gave happy a go.
And as much as I liked it, I didn't love it.
When it comes down to optimistic vs pessimistic, guess who's going to win.
Bingo. Not the happy rainbow unicorn fairy sparkle pink fluffy nice one.
I'll leave that to your imagination and fiction.
This is how I see my reality. Nice and half empty.

The truth is illusory. Make it your own. XD

Stay Tuned.
life's narcissistic narrator.
+ the red fox.



  1. I love the lit reference here... made my day :)

    p.s. I like that I'm your 12th follower, as this happens to be my lucky number, and I feel that you have just raised my level of luck today.

  2. ahahahahaha. i knew someone would get it!!!!
    there are so many more embedded in there somewhere..
    ahhh you're my new 12th favourite friend hahaha
