be a lemming.
follow the fox.

09 January 2010

+ "and I quote".

Attention both of my followers. 

(this photo is really only here because it says 'quote' on the tshirt and the sarcastic remark really is irrelevant)

Just thought I'd mention a little bit about those certain groups of people (myself sadly included) that actually have conversations purely consisting of quotes. Doesn't this really indicate a lack of communication between two people. For example I said "lucky" in a very Napoleon Dynamite voice the other day, which catalysed a series of Napoleon quotes until we had pretty much recited the movie. Bravo. What does this prove?
Only that we have a very large segment of our metaphorical pie chart brains occupied by memorising whole TV series and movie. It's really quite imperative...?
But it's arrived at the sad point in time where the only way I can relate to certain people is by chucking in the cheeky HotRod quote or some in-joke that we made when we saw a movie together. Has quotes consumed my friendships? No. I refuse to succumb to the evil that is the conversation that I like to call the Quot-er-sation. Cleverly infusing the words 'quote' and 'conversation'. 
So I propose a vendetta against the poisonous quotersations and i'm asking both of you readers to join me.
Even though I do enjoy a good HotRod quote-off every now and then, *sigh* i'm sorry to say I do need that portion of my brain dedicated to higher priority things such as physics and maths and the laws of grammar. 

And because it was completely unrelated but I had a sneaky 'lol' when no one was looking I will throw in this picture. 

So happy quotersationing.

Stay Tuned.
life's narcissistic narrator.


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